A Message from the Board President
Welcome Back to the Historic Ironwood Theatre
Life is returning to normal but we’re not there yet! The COVID 19 pandemic is far from over although less people are being hospitalized and dying. In Gogebic County 50.7% of eligible people have been vaccinated and in Iron County 52.1%. For this reason HIT is committed to protect our children aged 11 and under who cannot be vaccinated, and those adults who have not yet been vaccinated or cannot be protected by herd immunity. This means the HIT Board is requiring the audience wear masks to attend the three dance studio recitals which are being offered over the next three weeks. Seats are reserved only and are socially distanced. There will be no concessions since eating and drinking require mask removal. Hand sanitizer and masks will be available at the door.
Our spirits are on the rise as we prepare to open the doors on June 4th. We can’t wait to see our local children showing off their talent. We ask for your understanding and cooperation in following the rules the HIT board has set to assure the health and safety of our community.
As president of HIT and a public health nurse, I ask you to please get your vaccine so we can look forward to 100% capacity later this summer and fill the theatre with great entertainment and music.
Zona Wick