Joan Borcherdt
Joan Bishop Borcherdt, 80, a longtime resident of Mercer, Wisconsin and a tireless worker for the best interests of the Ironwood Theatre, passed away peacefully surrounded by family on Monday, February 20, 2023 at Westgate Nursing Home in Ironwood, Michigan. Joan was born in Highland Park, Illinois. She was a 1961 graduate of Wayland Academy in Beaver Dam Wisconsin and earned a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education in 1965 from the University of Arizona. She taught fifth grade for several years in Chappaqua, New York before she met the love of her life, Douglas Pegg Borcherdt whom she married in 1977. She poured her heart and soul into restoring the Historic Ironwood Theatre, serving on its Board for decades. Joan enjoyed travel, reading and entertaining. Joan is survived by her husband, Doug and beloved nieces, grand-nieces and grand-nephews. A celebration of her life will take place at a later date. Memorials may be made to the Historic Ironwood Theatre which she enthusiastically supported: PO Box 187, Ironwood, MI 49938.

Don Funk
The Ironwood Theatre lost a friend recently with the passing of Don Funk on June 9, 2022.
Don was a committed friend to the incredibly wide network of people who came into his orbit, be it near his hometown of Kentland, Indiana, his residence in Chicago, or across the roads and fields of the Midwest. He hosted thousands of farmers around the campfire at his beloved lodge on Lake Gogebic. His impact on the thousands of people who worked for him and with him for more than five decades is undeniable. Don was a dedicated philanthropist, giving generously to several initiatives ranging from health care to the arts to rural issues - and he did so without seeking personal recognition.

Alex Marciniak
The local arts community lost a cherished friend with the passing of Alex Marciniak on December 16, 2020. He gave of himself in so many different aspects of local life – at Gogebic Community College, Theatre North, The Ironwood Theatre, and Our Lady of Peace church, to name but a few. A gifted actor, director, pianist, musical director, educator, epicurean, and raconteur – Alex will be sorely missed.

Doug Doxsey
Doug recently passed away following a short illness. Doug was the theatre’s head concessionaire these past several years. Doug was our chief popcorn-maker and kept our water and soda cooler filled and made sure that we never ran out of candy. We were blessed to have him as a volunteer and as a friend. The Historic Ironwood Theatre will miss his services. Thank you, Doug, for all your contributions - and for being our friend. R.I.P.

Elsie Nevala passed away on June 16, 2020 at the age of 94. Elsie attended Ramsay School from kindergarten through 9th grade, and graduated form A.D.Johnston high school in Bessemer. Elsie worked at the Hansen glove factory in Ironwood for many years, but after graduating from beauty school in Duluth MN, opened the Charm beauty salon in downtown Ironwood. She was an accomplished accordion player and performed at many weddings, dances, and other local social events. She was a member of the Finnish American society and very active at Little Finland where she directed the Finnish chorus and regularly accompanied folk dances.

Virginia ("Gig") Burchell
Virginia “Gig” Maria (Velin) Burchell of Ironwood, passed away on November 18, 2018 at the age of 78. Gig was born in the old Grand View Hospital, graduated from Luther L. Wright High School, and received her education degree from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. She and her husband Ray lived in Topeka, Kansas for many years before returning to Ironwood, where they lived, worked, and raised their family. Gig was instrumental in saving the Historic Ironwood Theatre, helping spearhead its acquisition and restoration.

Gus Swanson
The late Gus Swanson was admired for his selfless gifts as an educator and for his generosity and philanthropic spirit throughout the Ironwood community. He funded hundreds of scholarships for students to attend college over the years through the Ironwood Area Scholarship Foundation, Gogebic Community College Foundation, and Stout University Foundation. Gus Swanson also supported many local organizations including American Legion Post 5, Ironwood Carnegie Library, HOPE Animal Shelter, D.O.V.E., the Salvation Army, Historic Ironwood Theatre, Theatre North, Ironwood High School music programs, and other programs at the Luther L. Wright School. Donations over a 25-year period and a recent bequest from his estate total more than $75,000. Gus Swanson touched many people and made a significant difference in their lives. We are grateful for his belief in the importance of the arts. Gus is remembered fondly.

Randy Carr
IN MEMORY OF RANDY CARR. Randy lost a long and courageous battle with colon cancer, but continued to volunteer at the theatre when ill-health should have kept it home, resting. To his credit, Randy refused to be defined but what he could not do, but rather, by what he could.
Randy was one of those tireless volunteers every non-profit wishes was part of their organization. We were blessed to have him on the HIT team. Fixer, finder, cleaner, poster distributor, fridge re-filler, popcorn-maker, Randy did it all - and we are so glad he did!
Thank you Randy for all you did; but more importantly - for all you were. R.I.P. dear friend.