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The HIT Bat – a Survival Story!

November 28, 2023

Anyone who attended the Barbie movie on November 18 will recall the excitement generated by a bat who decided to grace us with his presence by flying around the auditorium – mainly pre-movie, but also once or twice during the movie. While some patrons were disturbed by the flying mammal, the bat was far more freaked out than anyone in…

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When Barbie Came to HIT

November 22, 2023

A line of people out the front doors, onto Aurora Street, and around the corner. On Saturday 18 November it was just like the old days as more than 360 people came to HIT to enjoy the Barbie movie. Our thanks to movie sponsors (and regular HIT volunteers) Tom & Sharon Ravelli, and to everyone who came along to enjoy…

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Ironwood’s Wizarding World Offered Something for the Whole Family!

November 13, 2023

  Over the weekend of November 10th and 11th, more than 400 people gathered on the platform at the Historic Ironwood Theatre to experience  all things magical! The family-focused event provided an immersive FUNdraising experience with all the  favorite characters and scenes from the books and movies, along with games, raffles, merchandise and treats all in wizarding fashion throughout the theatre.…

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An Experience Like No Other

October 30, 2023

On Saturday 28 October we celebrated Halloween by experiencing the theatre just as our grandparents and great grandparents did back in the 1920s. HIT  presented the 1927 silent comedy horror film The Cat and the Canary which told the story of Cyrus West, and the reading of his will twenty years after his death. Annabelle inherited her uncle’s fortune, but…

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Duluth Transit Authority Wows HIT

October 21, 2023

On Saturday 21 October, he Duluth Transit Authority or DTA, presented an outstanding tribute to the music of Chicago. With a powerful horn section, three and four part vocal harmonies, a killer rhythm section and fine guitar and keyboard playing, the 11-piece ensemble treated the  HIT crowd to wonderful evening’s entertainment. The smiles on the faces of people as they…

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Fleetwood Macked Left Us Wanting More

October 16, 2023

On Saturday 14 October, the N.Y.- based touring tribute band Fleetwood Macked, left the big HIT crowd wanting more as they delivered an exciting, musically and visually spot-on version of some of Fleetwood Mac’s biggest hits.  In both the balcony and main floor there was dancing in the aisles. Great musicians, a wonderful, appreciative crowd and the best volunteers, all…

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Plaidurday Live Music by Old Pine Road moved to HIT

October 8, 2023

Due to the inclement weather, the Plaidurday performance by Old Pine Road, scheduled for the City Square stage on Friday 6 October was moved indoors to the Historic Ironwood Theatre. Given the drop in temperatures from earlier in the week, band members were very happy to be playing indoors! The wonderful group of musicians from Rhinelander WI, presented a crowd-pleasing blend of…

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Young Wizards Appear at the HIT

September 30, 2023

On Friday 29 September, lots of young wizards showed up at the theatre to enjoy Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Kids and parents alike dressed in the costumes of their favorite characters. Many in attendance had never seen the movie on the big screen with big sound and we heard lots of comments that it was so much better…

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9/11 Day of Service

September 12, 2023

Volunteers Make HIT Sparkle! Thanks to a devoted and hard-working group from the Zion and Salem Lutheran churches, our glorious HIT was sparkling when the crowd arrived for the Sixtiesmania show on the evening of Sunday 10 September. And that was no mean feat if you’d seen the state of the theatre on Sunday morning –  the cement dust generated…

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Wireless Microphones Upgrade

July 30, 2023

A project nearly 12 months in the making is finally nearing completion – the FCC-mandated upgrade of our wireless microphones.  Late last year we received word that our grant application to the Michigan Arts and Culture Council (M.A.C.C.) to help pay for the project was successful. We immediately ordered the equipment, but due to post-Covid supply chain delays, some of…

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