HIT & DAP Fundraiser
At the upcoming ABBA Mania show, the Historic Ironwood Theatre (HIT) and Downtown Art Place (DAP) will cooperate in a raffle fundraiser. Show attendees will have the opportunity to win an original watercolor by local artist Peg Sandin.
Asked recently about her art, Peg responded: “The latest projects at Peg Sandin Watercolors incorporate my ever-present interest in Lake Superior, as well as personal traditions and new inspirations. Living in the Northwoods, I am intrigued by patterns in nature. I love to add mood, rhythm, and color to the patterns I see, creating one-of-a-kind watercolors that showcase a synthesis between creative senses.”
Don’t miss the opportunity to win this original Peg Sandin watercolor valued at $475. Tickets are just $20 and will be sold before the show and during intermission. Proceeds will be shared by HIT & DAP, so whether you you are into the performing or visual arts, please do your part to support the arts, locally. $20 for a chance to win a $475 original? What a deal!