Our Rigging Project is Complete!
Thanks to a grant from the MI Dept of Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO), some incredibly long days and hard work by highly skilled and devoted employees of contractors Custom Stage Services (CSS) and Angelo Luppino, Inc, as well as regular appearances by a slew of theatre volunteers, our stage upgrade project is complete.
In the first photo, CSS employees are seen loading the arbors – the piece of the apparatus that carries the counterweights up and down as lighting bars, drapes, or scenery is raised and lowered. The second photo provides a close up of the red rope locks, which safely and securely lock the battens in place. No more relying on stage hands to properly tie off ropes.
In addition to LEO, we also want to thank the MI Arts & Culture Council (MACC) for their partial support of the drapes replacement, and anyone who attended our Wizarding World or Sock Hop fundraisers. So thank you to everyone who helped make our long-held dream to tackle the project a reality. All that remains to be done is to put everything back on stage.
If you’ve ever thought you’d like to be part of the back-stage crew at a theatre production, stay tuned for details about upcoming training opportunities in the safe and proper use of the system.